Saturday, October 09, 2010

Slinky Day

Saturday + a link to a good article = Slinky Day.  

A friend from college, Chrystal, posted this link on her FB page tonight    I particularly loved that, while everyone else was posting about college football (it was a big, messy day in the SEC), Chrystal was posting about the glory of God.  What a rebel!

I'm not necessarily anti-football, but it's easy in the South to get a lot more excited about football than about God (yes, the God of the Universe)-- or at least it's easier to express our excitement about football than it is to express our excitement about God. 
I'm not ashamed to say that my own family enjoyed the thrill of the Georgia Tech homecoming festivities today......old and new friends were gathered in anticipation, the drum line was pounding out one fantastic rhythm after another, college girls were were fabulous in combinations of gold, white, and navy. 

Our hearts were thumping. We were all eagerly awaiting the arrive of the officer-escorted football team.    We didn't know when, exactly, they would be there, though.   It was "any minute" for a long time. 

Then it caught us off guard.  Suddenly, the authorities swooped in, sirens blaring and lights flashing.  These "heroes" filed, almost regally,  off the motorcoach, into the stadium. 

It was a big deal, and we had fun getting caught up in it all.  

But it whets my appetite for an even bigger deal, and the arrival of Someone even better! 

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

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